Online loans are a convenient financial tool that will help improve your financial situation in the shortest possible time, having only a card or a QIWI wallet. But in order to take a profitable loan, it is necessary to do the work of searching and selecting offers. And we did it for you!
Our application allows you to find a loan on the most favorable terms and only from trusted companies. If you are tired of borrowing from your friends, you need the money before your paycheck or you simply need money urgently - our application will help you choose the most profitable loan.
The main features of the application:
convenient catalog of proven and reliable MFIs with a list of possible loan terms and brief information on MFIs
loan calculator that allows you to calculate the interest and payments on a particular loan and make a payment schedule
Payment reminders will help you not to miss the payment date along with the payment schedule
in the “Favorites” section you can save the offers that you are most interested in, to return to them later